The questionnaires administered

Test on the Affective Component(TAC)

The TAC consists of a questionnaire requiring the students to express on a five-point differential semantic scale their opinions concerning 30 pairs of antithetical words (for example unpleasant/pleasant, boring/exciting...) relative to the use of this technology.
Each pair belongs to one of the following attitude traits:

  • Enjoyment
  • Anxiety
  • Efficacy
  • Educational value
  • Social value
  • Technical value
Each trait has a group of five pairs of antithetical words.
For each pair the score ranged from 1 to 5;for each trait from 5 to 25, while the total score is 30-150. The TAC was submitted in the form pre-post test at the beginning and a week after the end of the minicourse.

The Test for the Course Evaluation(TCE)

The TCE consisted of 15 questions asked in order to collect informations on the student's point of view on various aspects of the minicourse. Also in this case the students were required to choose on a 5 point scale their level of agreement/disagreement with what stated in the questionnaire.Moreover in order to collect as much as possible informations,the students should motivate their choice.

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