To download this applet to use on YOUR page, you need the following 5 classes:.
TourGuide.class, MyCanvas.class, MyPanel.class, MyWindow.class, and gratAn.class
For example:
width is how long your applet will be
height is how tall your applet will be
urln is/are the URLs of your destinations
namen is/are the alternate name of your destinations that go with the corresponding tour sites.
soundn is/are the sound file you would like played for each destination.
delayn is the amount of time (in seconds) the tour will spend at each destination.
Here is the HTML stuff to put in your web page:
<applet align=middle code=TourGuide.class width=128 height=32> <param name=url1 value=> <param name=url2 value=> <param name=url3 value=> <param name=url4 value=> <param name=url5 value=> <param name=name1 value="SunMicrosystems Home Page"> <param name=name2 value="SunSoft Catalyst CDware Home Page"> <param name=name3 value="SunSoft Catalyst Interlink Home Page"> <param name=name4 value="New Media Marketing Home Page"> <param name=name5 value="SunSoft Catalyst HomePage"> <param name=delay1 value=20> <param name=delay2 value=20> <param name=delay3 value=20> <param name=delay4 value=20> <param name=delay5 value=20> <param name=sound1> <param name=sound5> </applet>