Newton's factory
I have often wondered how Newton would have tackled physics problems now
with our powerful graphics workstations. For example ...
Newton is informed that astronauts have discovered on the moon an
authomatic alien factory perfectly working. This factory seems to be
working since millions of years without ever stopping. We want to know
the law describing how it works.
It seems that it is possible to describe the factory's state at every
instant with only two variables(you can think of these as amount of some
essential product):let's call them x and y. These have always been in
the range -4,4 otherwise the factory would have stopped.
Newton,having a personal computer, thinks about an algorithm that computes
x and y at time n knowing its values at time n-1 i.e. an iteration:
xn=f(xn-1,yn-1) (1)
where f and g are two algebraic formulas containing the four basic operations and some
To start with, Newton asks if it is easy to find formulas of this kind that
generate values for x,y always in the allowed range. He starts trying and,
you perhaps guessed it, discovers that almost any formula which is not trivial ,works! You aren't convinced?
Then try to invent a new formula, put some variable parameters and let the
computer try different sets of initial points and parameters values generated
randomly. After some trials, the computer will find the right combination
of initial values and parameters. Of course it is difficult to check that
the iteration will continue always in the allowed range for millions of years,but we are
enough sure that, if it is still inside this range after 1000 iterations,
probably it will be trapped there forever.
At this point Newton decides to exploit the power of his computer,that during
the night has nothing to do. Why not let the computer generate directly the random
formulas by chance, trying them one by one and keeping only the good ones?
Newton,being also a good programmer,writes a program that generates algebraic
formulas from sets of random numbers. He puts the computer to work and the following morning
has the satisfaction to look at the first series of formulas "discovered" from the
x = x*y+a*x-y with a=0.357057 (1)
y = x+y
x = a*y a=-0.999881 (2)
y= x + b*y b = 0.09160503
x = -y (3)
y = x*x*x -x -y
x = a*x/y -y a=.000496 (4)
y = x + y +b b=.510406